vineri, 25 aprilie 2014

New materials

    I've recently purchased some dubbing from a polish retailer and has arrived yesterday, it is produced by Spirit River and it has some UV fibers in it, they say that the fish are also seeing in ultraviolet and that the UV fibers will make a difference, i will come back later about that.
    So here are some pictures of the materials in visible light and in UV.

    And a picture with two flies that I've tied

marți, 8 aprilie 2014

Flies!! U must have! At the beginning of season !!!

     Squirrel Sadge Flies  on Maruto 14 Hook Size       Wet May-Flies on Maruto 12 Hook Size

miercuri, 2 aprilie 2014

EWF 2014 II

       Salutare, cum spuneam ieri, am facut si ceva filmulete, eu unul nu pot spune ca pescuiesc bine la streamer, la fel si despre legatul streamere lor, filmuletul in care Robert Gilespie leaga tube fly ul pt Atlantic Somon e foarte tare, educativ, cat si comenturile, tube fly ul e "the real deal" !! cand mergi la un asemenea eveniment iti dai seama cat de putin "Knowledge" ai despre Fly Fishing, mai sunt si celelalte filmulete unde sunt muulte muste fff tari, sper sa fie o sursa de inspiratie pt multa lume, pt mine unul a fost . See  you...